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Harbour Grace Area
Bristol's Hope,
Harbour Grace, Harbour Grace South, Bryant's Voce
(3 pages)

from the Baccalieu Trail Visitor's Guide

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Bristol's Hope, Harbour Grace,
Harbour Grace South, Bryant's Cove
Back to Conception Bay

Bristol's Hope

Bristol's Hope

Things to Do
Walking Trails

Bristol’s Hope, off Route 70 between Carbonear and Harbour Grace, has a picturesque harbour with many beautiful homes. Mosquito, as it was first called, was actually the birthplace of Harbour Grace; having been settled in 1583. The legendary Princess Sheila was said to have settled there with her husband Gilbert Pike in 1603. Settlers from the Cupids Plantation moved there in the 1620s under the leadership of Newfoundland’s first poet, Robert Hayman.

The Mosquito School Heritage Structure is a rare example of what wooden schools in outport communities looked like in the 1800s.

In 1910 during the celebrations of the John Guy Tercentenary the name of the community was officially changed from Mosquito to "Bristol's Hope."

Bristol's Hope Walking Trail

Harbour Grace

Harbour Grace

To See
Kearney Tourist Chalet
Conception Bay Museum
Court House
Harbour Grace Airfield
Spirit of Harbour Grace, The Kyle
Railway Station Museum
Rev. L.Coughlan National Historic Site
The Heritage District
Victoria Manor Museum

Things to Do
Walking Trails
Boat Tour

Things to Do
Harbour Grace Regatta
Peter Easton Days
Conception Bay Kennel Dog Show
Trinity Conception Fall Fair

The scenic town of  Harbour Grace  has a rich history that spans almost 500 years. Visit the well stocked Kearney Tourist Chalet located near Riverhead at the bottom of the harbour for information. Visitors can take advantage of many services, including a large marina and recreational facilities.

The town's name is thought to have been derived from Harve de Grace, illustrating the French influence in early European visits to the region.

The town, one of largest on the Baccalieu Trail (population 3380, 2001 census), has one of the most well developed harbours on the Avalon Peninsula. From early exploration by Europeans, the harbour has been a source of activity and wealth.

Harbour Grace has many sites of cultural and historic interest. The pirate Peter Easton, one of the most successful pirates of the 17th century, made the town his headquarters . The Conception Bay Museum, which is near the recorded site of Peter Easton's fort, contains a number of exhibits including one on pirates, one on aviation, and one on fishing.

Harbour Grace Museum
Conception Bay Museum

The Harbour Grace Air Field figured prominently in the history of Transatlantic flight. From 1927-1936, more than twenty flights took off from Harbour Grace to fly the Atlantic, some of them piloted by famous aviators such as Amelia Earhart.

Harbour Grace Air Field
Harbour Grace Air Field

The �Spirit of Harbour Grace,� a DC-3 airplane, was restored and donated to the town in 1993, by the Pike family to commemorate the town�s rich past in aviation.

Spirit of Harbour Grace

The Railway Station Museum commemorates the first railway line to open between St. John's and Harbour Grace in 1884.

The Harbour Grace Regatta is one of the oldest sporting events in North America. The first Harbour Grace Regatta was held on Tuesday, July 22, 1862.

The SS Kyle, which is moored in the harbour, was built in 1913 and became the first boat to provide Labrador with a regular scheduled service. The boat, which is immortalized in Ted Russell�s poem �The Smokeroom on the Kyle,� is an icon in Newfoundland culture.

SS Kyle
SS Kyle

The town has a number of Heritage Structures such as the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, a Provincial Historic Site, and St. Paul's Anglican Church, as well as the Court House building. In addition, there is a Heritage District near the water front.

Drop Anchor - Art/Crafts/Gifts is located in Harbour Grace.

Mill Brook, Harbour Grace

Harbour Grace South

The Admiral's Marina
The Harbour Authority of Harbour Grace was the initiator of the Admiral’s Marina. It is a natural harbour within a harbour, and has 150 berths available, fresh water hookups, shore power, garbage services, 24 hour security, a playground, and many exciting events happening throughout the summer.

The Marina was built to resemble a pirate fort taking you back to the 1600s when the notorious pirate, Peter Easton, lurked the waters of Conception Bay and built his fort in Harbour Grace. The Admiral's Marina provides a safe haven for boats of all sizes and is a world class facility. Great Easton Boat Tours leave from the Admiral’s Marina, travelling around the harbour and as far as Carbonear Island and back.

Peter Easton Days, which are held in August, allow visitors to experience the pirates who were a part of Harbour Grace history.

Great Easton Boat Tours operate from the Armiral's Marina.

The Admiral's Marina, Harbour Grace South

Bryant's Cove

Bryant’s Cove is a small fishing community with spectacular scenery. Off the main road, it can be reached from both Harbour Grace South and Upper Island Cove.

Bryant's Cove

Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Telephone: (709) 596-3474

Fax: (709)596-3424 email: [email protected]
Design by Baccalieu. Hosted by aroundthebay.ca