on Patrol
Sir Robert Peel (Feb. 6, 1788-July 2, 1855) |
FORWARD The present document is for information purposes only and should only be used as a guide. The final decision as to how the group wants to work and how they want to organize themselves should be taken by the group. Most of the material on this document was taken from different Citizens on Patrol Groups. The Trinity Conception RCMP is a strong believer of this program and members will provide any assistance that is required to help start this program.
Citizens on Patrol
Application Form
Terms of Reference and Duties/Responsibilities
Statement of Duties and Responsibilities
Patrol General Briefing
Actual Patrol
Your Rights and Authorities
Dictionary definition: COM.MU.NI.TY. a group of people having common ties or interests and living in the same locality or district and subject to the same laws: a farming community. This lake provides water for six communities. 2. a group people living together: a community of monks. 3. the public: the approval of the community. 4. ownership together; community of food supplies, community of ideas. 5. Ecology, a group of animals and plants living in a particular region under similar conditions and interacting with one another, especially in food relationships. 6. likeness, similarity; identity: Community of interests causes people to work together.
Sir Robert Peel founded the beginnings of police service in England and it was his intention to have communities and neighbours watch over each other. The responsibility of maintaining law and order was shared between the citizens and police within the community.
As time passed, police departments developed their skills and training and in the process became mainly a reactive force which dealt with crime after the fact and concentrated less on prevention. The community grew content to leave policing only to police.
The RCMP has learned that reactive policing is only part of the job and that there is a need for a proactive approach for crime prevention. The international police community is taking steps to revitalize the early concepts of policing.
Community Based Policing is the idea that the police and the community should accept joint responsibility for public order, peace and security.
Since 1986, the RCMP in Newfoundland and Labrador have been involved in an extensive movement toward community participation in policing. All detachments have a mandate to form community groups with whom they exchange ideas and discuss the delivery of police services.
The interaction between the police and the public have proven effective in preventing crime. There are Citizens Crime Prevention/Victim Services/Citizens on Patrol and so on throughout the province involved in programs and initiatives which have had a significant impact on crime in their areas.
You have the power to make changes and improve the quality of life in your community!
Community crime prevention means sharing the responsibility for making our community and our homes more secure. Effective crime prevention programs require widespread community support, and an informed public whose perceptions about crime are based on accurate information. In order to receive the support of the community in organizing volunteers to actually go on patrol in their private vehicle and on their own time, there must be a consensus among the concerned citizens and the community at large who must support the volunteers that there is (1) current problems; (2) potential for problems or (3) a decision to maintain a crime free environment.
It is obvious that a large number of volunteers will decrease the individual burden and make a much stronger statement to those who wish to engage in undesirable behaviour.
Problem encountered: Over the last few months the town has experienced a number of complaints of vandalism, damage and mischief. Patrols in the town by marked police vehicles have not curb the situation. The main part of the problem is the fact that culprits are well aware of the police location and are also aware of police movement. They can see the police car coming thus giving them a chance to stop any illegal activities and to leave the scene. Increased police visibility did not change anything. This problem should be addressed in two different fronts, one education and second by getting the citizens of the town to be more involved in their own neighbourhood. Because of budget restraints and more demands placed on the police, the police cant be everything to everybody. Due to same the concerned citizens and victims have to work in concert with the police to find solutions and innovative way to make their community a better place to live. Some of the possible solutions is to work with programs such as: Crime Prevention and Citizen on Patrol (C.O.P.)
Goal: To create with the help of the community a Citizens on Patrol group to provide a more pro-active form of policing.
Program description: The Citizens on Patrol ( C.O.P.) is a volunteer crime prevention program in which members of the community provide support and assistance to the police and the community through patrols and reports of any suspicious or criminal activities.
Program purpose: The primary purpose of the program is to assist the community and police in the detection of crime through the prompt reporting of suspicious or criminal activities. The program is like the extra eyes and ears concept of the Neighbourhood Watch but takes a more active role. This program will achieve two particular goals:
1. Report any criminal activities (re-active response)
1. Research ways that citizens can get involved in a Citizens on Patrol Group and research how it is done in other towns
(SIGNATURE) DATE APPROVED:__________ REFUSED:__________DATE:__________________ SIGNATURE:_______________________
Groups of civilian volunteers are now organizing themselves to patrol an area or community and deter undesirable criminal activities. Most will use common sense and their actions will be above reproach. To avoid possible confusion and differences of opinion as to the expected "Conduct and Duties" of an individual, an outline has been completed and is provided as a guideline for your patrol leaders and program chairman. A review with all persons conducting patrols and their acknowledgment by signing same establishes a much more professional and organized approach and also adds credibility to the program. These duties and responsibilities are provided only as guidelines and could be changed as seen fit by the Citizen On Patrol board.
Statement of Duties and Responsibilities
Citizens on Patrol
1- Apart from the special duties and responsibilities of all members while actively engaged in patrolling duties, it is of paramount importance that the conduct of all members, particularly while on patrol, be open to public scrutiny. Only in this manner will it be possible to gain the trust, respect and public confidence necessary to make this program successful. Members cannot get, or expect to get , the co-operation from the public at large if they are not entirely beyond reproach and completely fair in their day to day contact with all citizens of the community that the patrol program affects.
a: Consume alcohol within six hours of proceeding on patrol; b: Participate in harassment of individuals or use his or her authority to exercise unwarranted control of persons; c: "Turn a blind eye" to unlawful activities d: Use his or her authority to accept favours from any member of the public; or e: Abuse his or her authority in any manner
5- Civic complaints against any patrol member will be investigated by the chairman of the Citizen on Patrol Program and reviewed by a committee of at least three members of the program. Action will be consistent with the outcome of committee review and findings. The complainant will be fully briefed on the findings and the reasons for any administrative action taken or not taken against the patrol member in question.
6- In addition to expected personal conduct, Patrol members will adhere to the following during their tours of duty:
a: Complete at least two full tours of the patrol area during their shift;
b: Record or report all suspicious activity;
c: Record descriptions of persons and vehicles, when due to the circumstances, and in the opinion of patrol members, it is appropriate to do so;
d: Contact the RCMP immediately if a crime, or evidence of a crime is discovered;
e: If evidence of a crime is discovered, protect the crime scene to the full extent possible. Engage other available members to assist in this task if possible and appropriate. DO NOT TEMPER WITH EVIDENCE; f: Members of the patrol will render assistance to the police when requested to do so; g: Complete a patrol report at the end of each shift. Pass the report to the patrol leader at the next opportunity, if it is routine, and directly to the chairman of the patrol committee if it contains anything other than routine information.
7- Members of the patrol will wear distinguishing marking/identification as may decided by the committee.
8- Once issued, all patrol members, whether on patrol or not will carry their individual identification card identifying them as members of the "Citizens On Patrol" Program.
9- I acknowledge having read the duties and responsibilities outlined in the preceding two pages and understand the terms and conditions described.
NAME (please print) |
In the previous pages, "duties and responsibilities" were discussed. Prior to commencing patrol, it might be a good idea to have all leaders and patrol members assemble for one general briefing. This should be the last time when all persons assemble together. From that point on the police will meet with the chairman, the chairman will meet with his patrol leaders, and the patrol leaders will meet with their patrol members.
During this general meeting, the chairman should review the Duties and Responsibilities, area to be patrolled and numbers of persons on patrol per night, completion of patrol reports, etc. The police should attend and provide a summary of applicable sections of the Criminal Code dealing with citizens arrest and the use of force "etc".
The police will also provide and review what patrol persons "SHOULD HAVE" with them, what they "SHOULD KNOW", what they "SHOULD DO", what "SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE POLICE", "WHEN TO USE DISCRETION", "WHAT THE POLICE WILL WANT TO KNOW" should a citizen on patrol witness a crime, etc. This can be modified to meet the particular need of the membership. This would be a good time to answer any last questions or address concerns and for the individual to review and sign their Terms of Reference, Duties and Responsibilities.
Assuming that all patrol members are familiar with their patrol area and the normal activities of the area inhabitants, the team leader responsible for certain nights would now detail two more persons to patrol the area. The patrol leaders will know what dates they are responsible for and could schedule their people two to three weeks in advance.
You and your partner will patrol tonight, you start by arriving at a predetermined place to pick up your equipment, at this time any information your chairman or patrol leader may want to pass on should be available, possibly the police will leave messages for certain vehicles and individuals to be aware of.
NOTE: The police will pass on information on stolen vehicles and missing persons and things of a local interest depending on the circumstances.
As part of the duty, the members of the Citizens on Patrol will have to agree to check vacant homes for vacationing owners or check elderly people, who are nervous about being home alone. This information should be made available prior to the start of the patrol. I would recommend a patrol during the evening at various times to allow people to see you around. A tour of the businesses and other areas that you have decided to check can be done at this time to ensure that doors are locked, etc...
The times of patrols should be a topic of discussion with the local police and patrol members. The patrol members should be innovative and use a common approach.
1. Clipboard
1. Area, Community, road names, laneways or pathways
1. Use Common Sense
1. Report any life threatening situation immediately
1. Call 596-5014
My name is _________________, I am calling from town. My phone number is mobile___________, State nature of the call:___________________________
answer any questions you are asked.
Telecommunications will be aware of the C.P.O. program in the district area, let them know you are C.O.P. member.
1. Dont become involved in situations you are not comfortable or capable of controlling. 2. Minor incidents in which the culprits may wish to control their undesirable behaviour without police or court involvement. 3. An unlocked door or window, call the owners and have it secured.
1. Police will attend and take the required actions. 2. While waiting for the police make notes and preserve evidence, foot prints, etc... 3. Police may require information from you and this information may be recorded in the form of a statement. You will be asked your name, date, address and phone number. You will be asked who/what you saw and what action you took.
I am a member of the C.O.P. In Carbonear, Newfoundland. Tonight the 29th of December at approximately 03:30 am, my partner Colombo noticed a red car parked by the elementary school, there was only one person inside. It wasnt there when we went by 15 minutes earlier. We pulled in to check the licence plate number. I got most of the number ABC 123 or ACB 123, Im not sure. I checked the school and noticed the front door was smashed in, my partner called the police. We heard a noise and saw two fellows running from the side doors, one was wearing jeans and a jean jacket, he had long brown hair, I didnt see his face. The other fellow wore.....etc.
I remember the car had a dent in the front fender and one tail light was out
Wit: RCMP Officer Signed: COP Member
The foregoing is an example and it should be stressed to obtain as much detail as possible, ie: plate number, clothing, features, size, foot wear, etc... Attached is a sheet which may be helpful in obtaining/recording information about suspects and vehicles.
An actual encounter or detection of a crime will be rare but remain alert and observant at all times. Do not be surprised, instead do the surprising.
You might at some time be required to attend court as a witness. The courtroom should be a place of dignity and respect, and should be treated as such. The presiding judge should be addressed as "Your Honour" and it is customary for all to rise when he enters or leaves the courtroom.
It is extremely important that witnesses tell the court all they know, truthfully, and relate only to the offence for which the accused is being tried. The witness should be polite, helpful, and most important of all "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".
A few points which might be helpful are:
1. The witness will be asked to take an oath on the Bible or affirmation for those who object to the Bible. 2. Evidence should be presented in chronological order, that is, told in the order in which the event occurred. 3. Ensure that you understand the question, asked for clarification if you are not sure. 4 . Evidence should be presented only on the facts you know. Based only on what you saw, not based on hearsay evidence. 5. If you make a mistake, do not hesitate to admit it. 6. Always remember that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty. In order to guarantee the accused a fair trial, never distort the truth or fabricate your evidence. Treat the accused with the same dignity you would expect if you were on trial. 7. Do not discuss your evidence with friends or neighbours prior to the trial, remember "innocent until proven guilty."
Patrollers should always carry a notebook and use it constantly to increase their efficiency and safeguard themselves. They should record all major and minor incidents that occur during their shift. What you enter into the notebook should be informal, accurate, private, and retained to refresh or confirm your memory at a future date. Notebooks should contain only data pertaining to your patrols, and not used for grocery lists, etc... as they may be required in court at a later date.
Always indicate clearly the date and time the entry was actually written. Enter, as soon as possible, licence numbers, descriptions of vehicles, descriptions of suspects, suspicious occurrences, locations, actions taken at the scenes of accidents, etc.
Remember that proper recording and retention of notes could make the difference in the successful conclusion of a case.
As a member of the Citizens on Patrol Group, you may eventually come upon a crime in progress and wonder, "what are my rights and authorities to take action?". The following Criminal Code Sections apply:
Section 494 (1) Any one may arrest without warrant
a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence: or b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes
(I) has committed a criminal offence, and (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.
(2) Any one who is
a) the owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or b) a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property
May arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property.
(3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.
Section 494 (1) states that any person may arrest another person if they find them committing an indictable offence (i.e: break and theft) or someone that they , on reasonable grounds, believe has committed a criminal offence and is escaping or is freshly perused by a person who has the lawful authority to arrest that person.
Section 494(2) states that any person who owns or possesses property or someone authorized by the owner or has lawful possession of property may arrest another person found committing an offence in relation to that property.
Section 494(3) states that once arrested, the person who made arrest must bring that person to a peace officer as soon as possible.
Section 25 (1) Every one who is required or authorized by law to do anything in the administration or enforcement of the law
A) as a private person B) as peace officer or public officer C) in aid of a peace officer or public officer, or D) by virtue of his office
is, if he acts on reasonable grounds, justified in doing what he is required or authorized to do and in using as much force as is necessary for that purpose.
Section 25 (2) Where a person is required or authorized by law to execute a process or to carry out a sentence, that person or any person who assist him is, if that person acts in good faith, justified in executing the process or in carrying out the sentence notwithstanding that process or sentence is defective or that it was issued or imposed without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction. Section 25 (3) Subject to subsection (4) and (5), a person is not justified for the purposes of subsection (1) in using force that is intended or is likely to cause death or grievous bodily harm unless the person believes on reasonable grounds that it is necessary for the self-preservation of the person or the preservation of any one under that persons protection from death or grievous bodily harm.
Section 25(1) states that in enforcing the law, if acting on reasonable grounds and is justified in what he or she is required or authorized to do may use as much force as necessary for that purpose.
Section 25(3) causing bodily harm or death is only justified when the person using force believes on reasonable grounds that it is necessary to prevent themselves or anyone under their protection from death or grievous bodily harm.
Excessive force
Section 26: Every one who is authorized by law to use force is criminally responsible for any excess thereof according to the nature and quality of the act that constitutes the excess
Section 26 with respect to the use of force in Section 25, anyone can be held criminally responsible for any excess of force.
Section 27: Every one is justified in using as much force as is reasonably necessary
A) to prevent the commission of an offence
(I) for which, if it were committed, the person who committed it might be arrested without warrant, and (ii) that would likely to cause immediate and serious injury to the person OT property of anyone; or B) to prevent anything being done that, on reasonable grounds, he believes would, if it were done, be an offence mentioned in paragraph (a)
Summary: This section provides authorization for the use of force to prevent the commission of specified types of offences or to prevent anything that might lead to the commission of such offence |
It is the duty of every one who arrests a person, whether with or without a warrant, to give notice to that person, where it is feasible to do so, ofSection 29 (2)
(B) the reason for the arrest
Summary: This section sets out the duty of a person making an arrest with or without warrant. The requirements are that the person being arrested is to be told of the process or warrant permitting the arrest or the reason for the arrest. |
Section 30: Every one who witnesses a breach of the peace is justified in interfering to prevent the continuation or renewal thereof and may detain any person who commits or is about to join in or renew the breach of the peace, for the purpose of giving him into the custody of a peace officer, if he uses no more force than is reasonably necessary to prevent the continuance or renewal of the breach of the peace or than is reasonably proportioned to the danger to be apprehended from the continuance or renewal of the breach of the peace.
Summary: This section empowers anyone who witnesses a breach of the peace to do a number of things, including force, to stop it or prevent its continuation or renewal. |
Section 31 (1) every peace officer who witnesses a breach of the peace and every one who lawfully assists the peace officer is justified in arresting any person whom he finds committing the breach of the peace or who, on reasonable grounds, he believes is about to join in or renew the breach of the peace. (2) Every peace officer is justified in receiving in custody any person who is given into his charge as having been a party to a breach of the peace by one who has, or who on reasonable grounds the peace officer believes has, witnessed the breach of the peace.
Summary : Section 31 empowers peace officers to arrest and detain persons involved in a breach of the peace. Section 31(1) applies only to peace officers and anyone lawfully assisting a peace officer. It is a requirement that the officer witness the breach of the peace. Section 31(2) justifies a peace officer in receiving into custody anyone who has been detained by another who either has witnessed that person commit a breach of the peace or the officer believes has witnessed the breach. |
Section 34(1) every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force used is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself. (2) every one who is unlawfully assaulted and who causes death or grievous bodily harm in repelling the assault is justified if
A) he causes it under reasonable apprehension of death or grievous bodily harm from the violence with which the assault was originally made or with which the assailant pursues his purposes; and
B) he believes, on reasonable grounds, that he cannot otherwise preserve himself from death or grievous bodily harm.
Summary: This section defines the extend to which force is justified in repelling an unprovoked assault. |
Section 37(1) Every one is justified in using force to defend himself or any one under his protection from assault, if he uses no more force that necessary to prevent the assault or the repetition of it.
Summary: This section justifies the use of force by a person in his own defence or in the defence of a person under his protection. The force used must be no more than is necessary to prevent the assault or its repetition. |
Section 38 (1) every one who is in the peaceable possession of personal property, and every one lawfully assisting him is justified:
A) in preventing a trespasser from taking it, or B) in taking it from a trespasser who has taken it
If he does not strike or cause bodily harm to the trespasser.
(2) where a person who is in peaceable possession of personal property lays hands on it, a trespasser who persists in attempting to keep it or take it from him or from any one lawfully assisting him shall be deemed to commit an assault without justification or provocation.
Summary: This section sets out when force may be used in defence of personal property Subsection (1) sets out the limit on the use of force; it cannot include striking or causing bodily harm to the trespasser Subsection (2) deems the actions of the trespasser to be an assault without justification or provocation under the circumstance outlined in the subsection. |
Section 40 Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling house, and every one lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is justified in using as much force as is necessary to prevent any person from forcibly breaking into or forcibly entering the dwelling house without lawful authority.
Summary: Section 40 provides a justification for an assault committed by a person in lawful possession of a dwelling house while preventing or attempting to prevent a break-in of that house. |
Section 41 (1) Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling house or real property, and every one lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is justified in using force to prevent any person from trespassing on the dwelling house or real property, or to remove a trespasser therefrom, if he uses no more force than is necessary
(2) A trespasser who resists an attempt by a person who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling house or real property, or a person lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority to prevent his entry or to remove him, shall be deemed to commit an assault without justification or provocation.
Summary: Section 41 establishes the amount of defensive force that is justifiable in dealing with trespassers on real property or in a dwelling house. |
As you probably have noticed, the term reasonable and probable grounds keeps coming up in the description of the Criminal Code Sections. Reasonable and probable grounds are more than mere suspicion, you must have facts. It may also be described as facts that would cause a reasonable person to believe something has happened or is about to happen.
As the patrolling volunteers could encountered emergency situations, it would seem logical that they be prepared and have the ability to have the appropriate equipment to respond to these situation.
Here is a list of possible equipment that would be needed by members on patrol. This list is only partial and could be changed by the board as required.
1. Flashlights- (four) or spotlights
2. A supply of flashlight batteries
3. Safety Vests (four)
4. Emergency blankets (two or three)
5. Emergency Flares (six)
6. Plain file folders as needed
7. Plastic temporary handcuffs (two set)
8. Writing papers and pens, pencils as needed
9. First aid kit
10. Small assortment of exhibits bags
12. One pair of wire cutters
13. Photocopies and Fax as required
14. Means of communication - ie: Cellular phone. Both Cantell and Newtell offer packages at sale prices or an individual or a business may loan or donate a phone. In the meantime, CB radios or simply the nearest phone might just work. Police radio equipment is not possible and is not an option.
15. Patrol book which should contain:a) List of duty and responsibilities
b) Telephone Numbers
c) Any special instruction
d) List of Businesses and Contact persons
e) Patrol Members and Telephone Numbers
f) Daily patrol briefings
g) Patrol report
Some C.O.P groups decided to get identified while they are on patrol, some others decided to do patrols more anonymously. This is up to the group to decide what they desire. Here are some ideas and items that you might want to discuss:
- Identifying vest
- Ball cap
- Magnetic signs for vehicles identifying vehicles. Same are easily removable and transferable.
- Signs to be placed at both ends of the community saying " Community patrolled by "Citizens on Patrol"
Various means of obtaining funds can be utilized. Here are some ideas:
To canvass businesses and residents handing out Crime Prevention material and seeking donations and requesting individuals to join the program.
Dance or tickets sale.
Request donation from groups such as Lions Club, Kinsmen.
The involvement by the community in raising funds should be taken into consideration as it is felt this would be invaluable as it would provide community awareness, involvement participation and commitment.
Some projects should be also taken in consideration by the group. Here are some ideas:
As previously mentioned, signs posted at both ends of the community would advise motorist about the Citizens on Patrol Group. This would achieve two goals, inform the public that the Town is patrolled and also advise potential criminal elements that the members of this community mean business where their community is concerned. Another idea would be to do a businesses and organization survey. Again this would achieve two separate gaols. The first one would be to give members on patrol an essential tool in their daily patrol. Again this would inform the business community about the program and also might be used as a funds raiser. Attached is a copy of a letter that can be used by members while conducting the survey and a copy of the form that would be filled out. Members of the Citizens on Patrol might think about getting involved with the Crime Prevention Committee, both groups work towards the same goal, ie: working toward getting a better community. The Crime Prevention work in a pro-active level and the Citizens On Patrol work on both levels, pro-active, and re-active level. An association with the Crime Prevention would certainly help on the pro-active side. The Citizens on Patrol would identify problems in the community while the Crime Prevention could certainly work toward education and solving the problems right at the roots. If the members decided not to get involved with Crime Prevention, co-operation between both groups would definitely be beneficial.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The bearer of this letter, has been tasked by the Citizens on Patrol committee to conduct a survey of the various businesses and organizations within our patrol area. Once completed, the information contained on the survey report will enable us to provide you with a better security service and, if your business or organization is more secure, the entire community will benefit. You are under no obligation to provide information. It is entirely your decision. Any information provided will be maintained in one copy only and will be passed from patrol to patrol so that we will know what to look for when your property is checked. If you do not wish patrollers to check your premises, please let this person know at this time. If you would like more information on the Citizens on Patrol Program or the survey, Please call . Thank you for your time. Sincerely, |
Citizens on Patrol Businesses, Organization Survey PART I Business/ Organization Name:________________________________________ Location:_________________________________________________________ Contact Person:_____________________________ Phone: ________________
Physical Characteristics of Premises
Number of exterior doors:__________________ Number of windows_______________ Basement: Yes____ No_____ Basement access from exterior: __________________ Alarm system in Place: Yes_____ No______
External Security Lighting: Yes _____ No._____ If yes, show number of lights and location by placing X on the sketch in part III below.
Is complete "drive around" of building possible?: Yes_____ No______
Other pertinent Information:_____________________________________________________
Rough sketch of Building (show North of Reference point)