
Project Partners

Meaning of Baccalieu

Beginning - Ending
of Baccalieu Trail

Trinity Bay

Conception Bay

Services Offered
by Members


Click here for
Northern Bay,
Ochre Pit Cove

from the Baccalieu Trail Visitor's Guide

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Northern Bay, Ochre Pit Cove
Back to Conception Bay

Northern Bay

Northern Bay Sands

Sites of Interest
Northern Bay Sands Park

Things to Do
Northern Bay Sands Walking Trails

Major Events
Northern Bay Sands Festival

Northern Bay Sands is a popular camping destination. Visitors enjoy swimming and sunning on the beach on warm days.

Northern Bay is a colourful settlement with hilly gardens and towering cliffs. Northern Bay Sands is one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in the province. It has a freshwater brook which warms the swimming area.

The beautiful sandy beach, clean camp grounds, large picnic area, and recreational activities make the park an ideal vacationing site for families and other tourists. Hogan's Cabins are located near the beach.

Ochre Pit Cove

Small Fishing Boats in Ochre Pit Cove

Ochre Pit Cove’s wharf offers some of the best anchoring facilities in the Conception Bay. The facilities have been used by fishermen from most nearby communities.

The community derives its name from the red colour of its soil, caused by a rich iron content. Perhaps the most significant Beothuk tradition was the annual ochring ceremony which appears to have been unique among the Indians, at least during the late period. All members of the tribe received a new application of red ochre on the face and body once a year. It is thought the Beothuk Indians used the red colour soil as a substitute for ochre in their ceremonies.

Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Telephone: (709) 596-3474

Fax: (709)596-3424 email: [email protected]
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