
Project Partners

Meaning of Baccalieu

Beginning - Ending
of Baccalieu Trail

Trinity Bay

Conception Bay

Services Offered
by Members


Click here for
Western Bay, Small Point, Broad Cove, Blackhead, Adam's Cove, Kingston
from the Baccalieu Trail Visitor's Guide

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Western Bay, Small Point, Broad Cove,
Blackhead, Adam's Cove, Kingston
Back to Conception Bay

Western Bay

Western Bay Swimming Hole

Sites of Interest
E.J. Pratt Plaque
Railway Station Museum

Things to Do
Walking Trail to Adam’s Cove, etc.
Western Bay Line (Trouting Ponds)
Falls with Natural Swimming Hole

Western Bay, best known as the birthplace of one of Canada's most respected poets, E.J. Pratt, also provides excellent salmon and trout fishing.

Western Bay Railway Station was constructed in 1914. It is the last remaining railway station on the North Shore and has been designated a Registered Heritage Structure.

Western Bay Falls

Small Point, Broad Cove, Blackhead, Adam's Cove

Broad Cove

Sites of Interest
First Methodist Church in Canada

Major Events
Fun Days - First Week in August

This municipality is made up of several contiguous fishing communities on the North Shore of Conception Bay, between Kingston (formerly Upper Small Point) and Western Bay. On this 5 km stretch of coast, settlers built their homes and gardens on the banks above the sea, and the various communities soon ``ran together''.


Kingston Shoreline
Photo by Gary Chipman, Northshore Collegiate
Northern Bay

Kingston was first known as Upper Small Point. It was renamed Kingston in the early 1900s in honour of one of its earliest families.

The nearby abandoned community of Spout Cove has unusual and interesting landscapes for the photographer.

Spout Cove

Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Telephone: (709) 596-3474

Fax: (709)596-3424 email: info@baccalieutourism.com
Design by Baccalieu. Hosted by aroundthebay.ca