
Project Partners

Meaning of Baccalieu

Beginning - Ending
of Baccalieu Trail

Trinity Bay

Conception Bay

Services Offered
by Members


Click here for
Perry's Cove,
Salmon Cove

from the Baccalieu Trail Visitor's Guide

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Perry's Cove, Salmon Cove
Back to Conception Bay

Perry's Cove

Perry's Cove

Perry's Cove is a small fishing community off Route 70. A scenic shore road leads to Salmon Cove without going back to Route 70.

Salmon Cove

Trail of the Eagles

Sites of Interest
Experimental Research Station
for the perennial Beach Pea
Trail of the Eagles Walking Trail
Salmon Cove Sands Park

Major Events
Beach Pea Festival - 2nd week July

Beach Pea Festival

Salmon Cove has a soft, gray sandy beach surrounded by grassy green fields and cliffs carved out by the ocean. The beach is met by 600 feet of wheelchair accessible boardwalk with an observation deck and a lookout. A cooking chalet, concession chalet, tourist chalet, wheelchair accessible toilet facilities, and lots of picnic tables enhance the area. A bandstand has been constructed to facilitate the Annual Summer Beach Pea Festival held in July and seasonal concerts.

The Trail of the Eagles Walking Trail has been constructed around what is known as "Flat Head." It offers visitors an opportunity to observe Bald Eagles that have made the area home for over twenty years. During July and August, whales frequent the shoreline in abundance as they feed on caplin and squid.

Salmon Cove has an experimental research station, where the perennial Beach Pea and other crops are grown.

Salmon Cove Sands

Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Telephone: (709) 596-3474

Fax: (709)596-3424 email: [email protected]
Design by Baccalieu. Hosted by aroundthebay.ca