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- Saturday, March 15, 2025 

Youth Forum 2002


Acronyms used on this page:
Mariner Resource Opportunities Network Inc. = M-RON Inc.
Baccalieu Trail Youth Council = BTYC
Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador's Youth! = FINALY!
Annual General Meeting = AGM
Royal Canadian Mounted Police = RCMP


The Trinity Conception Youth Protocol Committee, in partnership with M-RON Inc., FINALY!, and the BTYC, recently hosted a Youth Forum. This event was held on October 4, 2020 at the Lion's Den in Carbonear. 55 youth from along the Baccalieu Trail were involved in various activities, such as a career development workshop facilitated by Kim Crosbie, as well as presentations given by M-RON Inc.; FINALY! ; BTYC; Constable Marc Trioreau of the RCMP; and a local theater group, "Sponge Ball Theater Company." Throughout the day, participants learned about the importance of leadership skills, entrepreneurial options as well as volunteerism. The Youth Forum also saw the election of the 2002 - 2003 BTYC.



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