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The word Baccalieu is Portuguese for salted cod fish.
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Supported Employment
Supported Employment is one of the services offered through M-RON Inc. in partnership with Service Canada and the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. It is a process of identifying and/or developing suitable employment options for individuals with developmental disabilities. It includes the provision of support to prepare for, secure, and maintain meaningful employment opportunities. The SES Program recognizes the following guiding principles:
• Every individual has the right to employment.
• New skills are acquired more readily and are better retained when taught in the manner in which they will be used.
• Persons with developmental disabilities can acquire meaningful employment with appropriate job development and support.
• Appropriate support involves assistance only to the degree necessary and aims toward the reduction of the individual’s dependence on agencies and programs, designed specifically to assist people who have a developmental disability.
How Supported Employment Works
Supported Employment concentrates on finding out what kind of job a person wants to secure and where his or her interests, life experiences, and talents lie. A vocational profile is compiled on each applicant. This profile looks at personal qualities and an employment opportunity is carved at a business which matches the profile. All research on the individual is gathered by professional supported employment counsellors. Individuals are then taught the skills they need to complete the job in the best place to learn them; the workplace. Ongoing support is provided to help each person so that they learn work skills and meet the expectations of their employer.
Who Benefits
When an individual with a developmental disability is supported to participate in the workforce, there are many benefits. Work provides people with the opportunity to become financially secure, participate in meaningful activity, develop a sense of belonging, enhance self-esteem, and contribute to the social and economic growth of the region.
When an employer participates in the SES Program, he/she will gain a hard working and dedicated employee who is well- matched to the job. In addition, a co-worker may be provided at no cost to the employer. The co-worker will assist the employee in learning tasks, while ensuring that the employer’s expectations are met.
Participating employers will receive public recognition as an Equal Opportunity Employer and may be eligible for an Employer of Merit Award.