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M-RON Inc. presents Outside Pond R.V. Park with an Employer of Merit Award
Feb. 12th '09

On February 12, 2009, M-RON Inc. hosted a celebration to recognize employers that have made an outstanding contribution to the increased employment of persons with intellectual disabilities in Economic Zone17.  The 3rd annual Employers’ Reception was held in Carbonear which brought together clients, employers, staff, as well as funding partners.  As part of this celebration special recognition was given to 51 employers for their creativeness and special efforts in the important endeavor of workplace equity. 

Outside Pond R.V. Park in Winterton was presented with the Employer of Merit Award. Cheryl Squires, a client of the Supported Employment Program and employee at the park for the past five years, was on hand to assist in the presentation to Mr. Lee Broaders, Manager of the park.     

This celebration acknowledged the support of employers, the community, as well as government partners throughout Zone 17 towards the inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities in the local workforce

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